In this article, we will talk about scholarships in Germany for international students who want to study there. Please make yourself comfortable and read until the end.

Germany is famous for offering free education, so it is not difficult for international students who want to apply and study there to obtain a scholarship.

The main question is: Why is education free in Germany and how did it begin. The answer is that education is free in Germany because the government controls most schools and students don’t have to pay to go to them. However, parents can also choose to send their children to private or international schools that require payment.

In 2014, all public universities in Germany stopped charging money for undergraduate students to attend. This means that right now, students from Germany and from other countries can study at public universities in Germany without paying for tuition. They only need to pay a small fee each semester to cover administrative and other expenses.

Most Germans think that education should not be treated like something that is bought and sold. They believe that when higher education is free for everyone, it helps the economy grow and benefits a larger number of people.

Scholarships in Germany for International Students

There are numerous scholarships in Germany for International Students because of the free education system in the country. But we will be highlighting the top best that International Students can easily apply for and get admitted as soon as possible.

1. DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst German Academic Exchange Service) Scholarships

This is the largest financial aid organization in the world and the first on our list of scholarships in Germany for international students.

DAAD offers financial aid to students of other countries besides Germany and even includes special programs such as Artists-in-Berlin, dedicated to students from the field of art.

The organization annually supports over 100,000 German and international students and researchers. Students in developing countries are also offered financial aid by the organization.

2. The Deutschlandstipendium

Germany needs high-performing young people. That is why the federal government and private sponsors support committed and talented students with the Deutschlandstipendium. An investment in the future that is worthwhile for everyone. it is the next scholarship for international students in Germany

With the Deutschlandstipendium, the federal government is expanding study funding through a program that is also initiating a new scholarship culture in Germany.

The federal government and private sponsors – companies, associations, foundations, and private individuals – support high-performing students together.

In this way, civil society assumes responsibility for talented young people and thus contributes to Germany’s future.

Over 22,500 students benefit from this national program created by the Federal Government of Germany. The program is a partnership between public and private institutions, to reward talented students.

Through sponsorship from businesses, foundations, private universities, and other institutions plus the government, talented students are awarded 300 EUR/month.

3. The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

The FES supports students from public or state-approved universities and polytechnical colleges. It supports all academic subjects and postgraduate programs. It is the next scholarship opportunity for international students in Germany.

It is also possible for non-German students to apply for the scholarship program. They, however, need to study in Germany at the time of application.

Awarded students can receive up to 1,000 EUR/month, the sum covering enrollment fees, health insurance, and the monthly required books/study materials.

Read Also; Top 8 Scholarships in Germany for Masters

4. Heinrich Böll Foundation

The Heinrich Böll Foundation grants scholarships to approximately 1400 undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral students of all subjects and nationalities per year, who are pursuing their degrees at universities, universities of applied sciences (‘Fachhochschulen’), or universities of the arts (‘Kunst-/Musikhochschulen’). It is the next scholarship for international students in Germany.

They expect their scholarship recipients to have excellent academic records, to be socially and politically engaged, and to have an active interest in the basic values of the foundation: ecology and sustainability, democracy and human rights, self-determination, and justice.

5. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Scholarships

International students who plan to study a Master’s or a Ph.D. program in Germany are eligible for Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Scholarships. it is the next scholarship in Germany for international students.

The award is offered for one year, and one important requirement is for students to have German language skills (level 2 CEFR) even if the degree they apply to is English-taught. Applicants should also meet the 30 years age limit requirement.

6. Erasmus Scholarship Programs in Germany

Since 2006, the European Education and Culture Executive Agency have been a catalyst for projects in education, training, youth, sport, audiovisual, culture, citizenship, and humanitarian aid.

On behalf of the European Commission, EACEA strives to foster innovation in these areas, always in a spirit of cross-border cooperation and mutual respect.

They are project managers, facilitators of knowledge exchange, and supporters of European projects that connect people and cultures. It is another scholarship opportunity for international students in  Germany.

7. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Scholarships

Domestic and foreign students of all subjects can apply for a study grant from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. You must be enrolled at a university in Germany. This is the next on the list of scholarships for international students in Germany.

For a study grant for nationals, you can also be enrolled at a university in an EU country or Switzerland. The college can be a university or a technical college. It must be either state or state-recognized.

Prerequisites for a scholarship are very good professional achievements and proof of a strong social commitment in the sense of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. You must study within the standard period of study.

Scholarship Website

8. DRD Scholarships for Sub-Saharan Africans

This is the last on the list of German scholarships for international students. It is a scholarship that is specific for applicants in Sub- Saharan Africa with an excellent academic record.

Scholarships are available for full-time students of Masters in Development Studies, Master in Public Administration, and MA in Development Management

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